Tim Dillon circled back to the Lori Lightfoot water well in hilarious fashion after she lost her re-election bid.

Lightfoot was crushed in humiliating fashion in Chicago’s mayoral race, and didn’t even manage to make the runoff. Following her defeat, people resurfaced Dillon’s legendary rant about Lightfoot’s Yelp page. Some even jokingly suggested he was the reason why she lost. We’ll let the historians settle that debate.

What we do know for sure is Dillon couldn’t pass up the opportunity to react. As expected, it was just as hilarious as you’d expect.

“Lori Lightfoot epitomized, she looked like a gangster, she was a gangster, she lied, she obfuscated, she wouldn’t answer questions, and all around her things just totally fell apart because she was a petty, vindictive tyrant,” Dillon said during his latest roast of the failed Chicago mayor.

Dillon also claimed Lightfoot carried a “spirit of chaos” and he slammed her for claiming she somehow improved the lives and safety of people in Chicago. Grab a drink, kick back and watch Dillon, once again, go to work.

There are very few comedians capable of doing what Dillon does: roast politicians across the spectrum and actually make it hilarious.

The dude is next level funny. He’s in the same category as Bill Burr and Dave Chappelle. He’s the definition of elite.

Tim Dillon also does what most people in entertainment wouldn’t dare do: mock and make fun of Democrats. He went viral in 2021 for taking a flamethrower to Lightfoot’s political career. Obviously, he had to react to her loss.

It’d be awesome if more comedians were like him and weren’t afraid to go after all sides. Usually, we just get people attacking Republicans, and it’s not even funny most of the time. That’s just a fact. Look no further than “SNL” for an example of how hard and far comedy has fallen.

Tim Dillon, fortunately, hasn’t chosen to participate in that nonsense. He targets everyone, and it’s a curtain call when he sets his sights on you. Unfortunately for Lightfoot, he did it again and it was awesome. It’s just a shame he probably won’t get the chance to do it again. At least it was fun while it lasted!

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